Saturday, August 31, 2019

ICT Multimedia Coursework Assignment Essay

Introduction: I am going to set my presentation on Work Experience and this will target students in year 10 which will help them know what would be done before Work experience in order to them to go on it. I will also give the year 10’s a taste of how it will be like when their on work and the skills that they will gain during the weeks on their work. In this assignment I have used Microsoft Word to type up my report because it’s really fast and easy and better than writing it by hand. I also used Microsoft PowerPoint to do my presentation about Work Experience. During my assignment I used Windows Explorer to get images, which will be put on to my presentation and some on my video that I have created on Movie Maker. Techniques used: Custom Animation: – I used this technique because it helps you add affects to your slides. I do this simply by click on slideshow at the top then clicking on custom animations then you have a choice to pick which animation you need. Action Buttons: – I used action buttons in my presentation because when you view on a slideshow it will show a set of buttons and when you click on them they will take you directly to a slideshow, so basically its like a shortcut if you want to go to the previous slide, and to do this you will have to add action buttons to your master slide this will automatically add Action buttons to all of your slideshows. Slide Transition: – I used slide transition because these are affects, which are placed between one slide to another to make your slideshow more Attractive, there are all types of affects with a range to choose from. Master Slide: – I also used master slide in my presentation because I thought it will save me a lot of time for example if I want something to appear on every slide I don’t need to write it out every time I can just use master slide and do everything I want on one of the slide and it will automatically appear on all of them. Slide 1 (Work Experience): – In my first slide I used a theme which was used for all of my slides and as you can see it has a certain colour which appears as a title and for other descriptions. I also got the two pictures from clipart which relates to work experience and gave them custom animation as well. Also I used master slide to put the action buttons on all of my slides. Slide 2 (Why do we do work experience?): – In my second slide I used the same theme but changed the colours slightly just to make it look different. I used custom animation to my title, writing and picture. The picture from clipart shows a clock which relates to what I said about work and punctuality. Slide 3 (What do you achieve from work experience): – My third slide was about the achievements of work experience which will explain to the year 10s of the achievements they will get when they do work experience. I used custom animation to all of writings and pictures, which shows graduated students. I used this picture because it refers back to what I said in this slide about what achievements will work experience give you when you go to university and college. Slide 4 (Where can you get work experience from?): – The fourth slide will tell the year 10s a brief description of what they need to do to apply for a work. The picture from clipart relates to the slide because it shows number of employed people and it will give the people an idea of the sort of jobs that will be available for them when they go to work. I also used custom animation to my slide to make it more entertaining and Slide 5 (Rules of work experience): – This slide is about the rules of work experience that need to be flowed by the year 10s while they are in work. I also added a video of what they need to do in work experience for e.g. keeping their workplace clean and tidy. I also used custom animation to my slide as it will entertain the people looking at the power point. Slide 6 (Selection of jobs): – My last slide was about the type of jobs they can choose whether from the website or manually by going o the place and getting the form by the employer. I added a picture from clipart it shows a man signing paper this refers to what I said in this paragraph about the application form and jobs. I also used custom animation to it to make it entertaining.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Sex and Violence in Romeo and Juliet

â€Å"I fear this but a dream, too sweet to be substantial,† are the soft words uttered from star-crossed lovers caught in the chaotic instability that permeates Franco Zeffirilli’s Romeo and Juliet (1968), Baz Lurman’s Romeo + Juliet (1996), and John Madden’s Shakespear and Love (1998). Although there are significant differences in each movie’s portrayal of Juliet and her Romeo, they accurately depict Freud’s ideas concerning love and human tendencies. In â€Å"The Einstein-Freud Correspondence,† Freud explains that in nature, violence rules everywhere. Einstein questions mankind’s lust for destruction and Freud affirms that man has two basic instincts: sex and violence. The constant state of instability and antagonism between humankind in nature makes peace unavoidable. In the case of Romeo and Juliet, love can attempt to rebel against the specter of war, but it is always beaten down. Tragically, Romeo and Juliet’s love is inextricably entwined with the aggression that plagues their feuding families. Both Romeo and Juliet try to fight the hostility with love, but all psychical acts (according to Freud) occur in an atmosphere of constraint, and the tension between one’s impulses, and what society will allow, creates an unavoidable instability. Each movie is an interesting interpretation of Shakespeare’s masterpiece; however, Zeffirilli’s Romeo and Juliet is the best representation of true love and human tendencies. Though extremely witty and entertaining, Madden’s Shakespeare in Love does not represent true love and human nature. One of Madden’s central devices is to create a background of events, large and small, drawn from Will Shakespeare's daily life. For example, in the opening scenes Madden shows Will strolling through town hearing lines shouted out from town criers such as â€Å"a plague on both your houses! † Moreover, Madden poses Will as at a loss for inspiration. Hence, William gets the foundations of his next play (Romeo and Juliet) from a chance encounter with a rival poet. Madden’s use of time and space is key to the progression of Will’s character. The events in the queen’s quarters, the tensions between the two playhouses, and the auditions for Will’s new play set up the meeting for the beautiful Viola. Madden creates a real narrative outside the realm of the story of Romeo and Juliet which explains how the masterpiece came to be. For example, the battle between two playhouses, The Rose and The Curtain, is transformed into the feud between the two noble houses of Montague and Capulet in imaginary Verona. Another interesting theme is the idea of chaos. In numerous moments it seems all will be lost, but as Henslow says several times when asked how everything will work it, he answers, â€Å"I don’t know, it’s a mystery. † Among the chaos, Will’s love and inspiration for fair Viola is the fuel that keeps the fire burning. In other words, Romeo and Juliet's modern adapters direct the spectator's attention to what might have been the inspiration for Shakespeare’s work. Nevertheless, with love, comes violence (as mentioned above). What produces the lovers' calamity is the depth of their feelings. The truth is, even in a world built on such unfavorable foundations, it should take much more to destroy love. William’s and Viola’s love, on the other hand, is not the best testament to true love. It proves much weaker than the civilization. In the final scenes, the queen decrees Viola leave with her husband. Society succeeds in oppressing their love without resistance. If their love were true, they would fight with every last breath to be together. Lurhman’s Romeo + Juliet, like Madden’s Shakespeare and Love, falls short of true love as well. Unlike Zeffirilli, Lurhman set out with the intention of making a modern day Romeo and Juliet with great success. He plays brilliantly with love in relation to time and nature. He toys with time in the opening gang warfare scene, playing the typical montage introduction of the players through a series of speedy zooms that isolate, in turn, the important characters on screen. His use of color and chaos is perfectly representative of Freud’s ideas concerning constant instability. Not only that, but his choice in music creates dramatic setting. The movie itself has numerous speed-up moments but is slowed down in critical scenes to allow viewers to soak up every bit of information. For example, the fight scene is particularly profound. Tasteful music backs the thunder, clouds, and darkness that envelope the screen as Mercutio dies. It is a perfect example of nature coming in and playing a role in the movie. Lurhman does an amazing job with his timing because he allows the viewer to slow down and soak every drop of the scene. One of the most important misreadings of Romeo + Juliet occurs during Mercutio’s Queen Mab speech. Normally interpreted as the drunken improvisation of a jesting wit in relation to dreams, here Mercutio is speaking about the drug ecstasy. Playing to modern times, Lurhman has Romeo take the ecstasy before heading to the Capulet ball. The meeting scene between Romeo and Juliet is thus overshadowed by the fact that Romeo has just taken a drug that inspires enormous amounts of pleasure. Consequently, the implication is that the relationship is founded on artificial feelings. One could argue that Romeo washes away the effects of the drugs in the sink prior to the Juliet-aquarium meeting, but ecstasy does not wear off that easily. True, the rest of the movie holds fast to the love tragedy that is Romeo and Juliet, but the drug-induced meeting is questionable in terms of true love. Finally, Zeffirilli’s old Romeo and Juliet is the best example of true love and human nature. Not to mention the style, dialogue, setting, costumes, and music in Zeffirilli’s version are closely related to the themes and feel of Shakespeare’s famous play. From the opening scenes, the viewer is taken into the old world and shown the incredible violence and resentment between the two houses. Within the first ten minutes, the viewers are given a picture of the impermeable violence similar to that which Einstein wished to stop in his correspondence with Freud. Perhaps love could settle the inherent violence that permeates human nature? In the case of Romeo and Juliet, there love cannot, but it is pure and true. The meeting scene between the lovers is one of absolute beauty. Romeo’s playful pursuit of Juliet is simple, yet elegant. The scene commences at the beginning of a serene song by a boy (incredible choice by Zeffirilli) leading up to the first act of aggression: Romeo’s hand touching Juliet’s. Although their love is forbidden by their family names, it continues to grow. Unfortunately, their time and space is limited and the constraint on their bond is too great. Their suffering is due to the fact that they do not understand what love can accomplish. Instead of uniting the families, they cause a fresh slice in an already open wound. However, the reason they never progress and mature in their love is because of the tragedies of civilization and the violence inherent in it (as mentioned above). Hatred among men rages without restraint, and for Romeo, it causes him to kill Tybalt, a newly made family member. Censored wishes of the â€Å"Id† arise up and transform Romeo when he says, â€Å"Take back the villain that thou gavest me, for fire, fury be my conduct now! † The exile and eventual plot to unite the forbidden lovers is thwarted again by time and space. Zeffirilli’s final scenes are wet with tragedy as Romeo passes the donkey on horseback, which has the letter explaining the father’s plan. Finally, Romeo is unable to live without his Juliet because his love for her is something more. She is a part of him and without her; he has no reason to continue breathing. The sum of one lover’s bliss is reliant on the life of his love. If he or she is dead and their love is true, then the lover has no choice but death. Both Einstein and Freud would agree that the Montagues and Capulets (in Zeffirilli’s and Lurman’s masterpieces) represent civilization and human kind’s natural form of aggressiveness. Juliet remarks after the potent â€Å"love-at-first-sight† scene in Romeo and Juliet, â€Å"my only love sprung from my only hate. † The brilliance of the two lovers’ story is the ancient hatred between their families. Conversely, the tragedy of them is that love connects the characters no more to happiness than it does to sorrow, turmoil and murder. Unfortunately, the two young lovers live under the illusion of physical freedom from the duties and constraints of their families/civilization. The hatred between the Montagues and Capulets is deep-rooted and rages on without restraint (much like society today). Romeo and Juliet’s love is eloquent and passionate but without solidity. It cannot hope to combat the aggression plaguing them. Freud states, â€Å"love is†¦best understood clinically as a response to stimuli† (Freud, 524). The issue is that the stimuli are too short lived. However, what is true love? It is the perpetual question that echoes through the corridors of time with answers always varying. Yet love has a correspondence with time. The way it begins, takes shape, and changes is relative to time and space. In each of the movies, the time and space of Romeo and Juliet’s love is portrayed in the background as apposed to the foreground. The visuals, music, and emotion strike at the subconscious, leaving the viewer in awe. Madden, Lurhman, and Zeffirilli create masterpieces that people desire and want to see. In conclusion, Freud would argue the lovers must understand that human consciousness exists in perpetual tension and instability. Not only that, but true love offers complete happiness to the lovers. In his lectures, Freud gives a poem from Goeth’s Westostlicher Diwan as an example of real love: So it is held, so well may be; But down a different track I come; Of all the bliss on earth hold for me I in Zuleika find the sum (Freud, 520). The lovers find the sum of all bliss in each other if their love is true. However, the power and sum of their love does not mean it can combat the nature of violence and society. Each film, respectively, depicts Freud’s ideas on true love and human nature. Though, human nature can be redefined as violence and aggression. Freedom is limited in each one of the Shakespearean films because the tension between one’s impulses and what society will allow creates an inevitable instability. Both Einstein and Freud would agree that try as the fiery lovers might, nature and violence of the instilled houses of Verona will stop there love from flourishing into something greater.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

B322 Investigating entrepreneurial opportunities Essay

B322 Investigating entrepreneurial opportunities - Essay Example However the treatments are frequently conducted over a fairly long period of time and at considerable expense. The acupressure complimentary treatment centre deploys modern technology in order to provide complimentary health benefits at an affordable price to the general public. The target market is the general public. Competitors are complimentary treatment centres and individual practices and also allopathic general medical treatment centres and individual practices. Also to a lesser degree health spas and beauty salons. Acupressure is a derivative of acupuncture which out of all the complimentary healing systems is the most recognised. In particular acupressure has the advantage over acupuncture in that no needles are used in the treatment plan. The acupressure centre will employ state of the art technology to derive benefits similar to acupressure to its customers, however at a much more competitive price and in a manner which allows for considerable longer and more frequent treatments than provided for by the traditional acupressure practices. I have considerable commercial experience combined with a long term interest and experience of complementary medicine. While I believe in complimentary medicine I find the present practice of complimentary medicine to be laborious and expensive. By leveraging my commercial experience I believe I can create a unique twist on the present complimentary health offering. Question 2 Prepare a report of up to 1,200 words addressed to your tutor. Describe the main features of the competitive market in which you intend to do business and explain how and why your idea will be innovative. Explain clearly what particular innovation or market gap your idea addresses and what benefits it will offer to your target customers. Explain how you will acquire or develop the skills necessary for successfully launching your idea. You should take into account: l the concepts covered in the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

History - Essay Example f the philosophies of Jean Jacques Rousseau and John Locke, major proponents of the Age of Enlightenment and Plato and Cicero, the champions of Greek and Roman classical antiquity. Bolivar was a staunch critic of monarchies and so were Rousseau and Locke. Rousseau in his famous work, The Social Contract, defended the argument for civil liberty and the popular will against divine right which facilitated the French Revolution. John Locke as well attacked the theory of the divine right of kings and claimed that sovereignty did not reside within the state but with the people. Both also asserted that the right to freedom of people stemmed from the natural law, to which Bolivar himself was a precursor of liberation in his beloved countries. Liberal democracy to Bolivar was insufficient and so he relies on Plato and Cicero as well. Plato’s major work, The Republic, is concerned with the theme of justice and the use of Greek virtues such as temperance and courage to achieve the ideal state. Cicero, the great Roman orator, further advanced this idea by composing works which tackle the natural obligation of men to serve others and dedicate themselves to public service and ascribes to the value of the laws that are followed by its citizens. One could say that Bolivar was a centrist due to the balance of the rights and duties of the state to its citizens and its citizens to the state. And in this idea of solidarity and subsidiarity is where Bolivar’s true value

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business intelligence and database and information management Research Paper

Business intelligence and database and information management - Research Paper Example However a proper business intelligence system is worthless if the model of information and data storage does not provide a good management system. As such, it is necessary to have a good data management system. A Data Management System (DBMS) is an application that manages the execution of user data in the data regulating their access and modification capabilities. This guarantees the reliability, security and integrity of the data. Over the years these platforms have evolved greatly from simple queries to a wide array of systems that are applied broadly. This paper seeks to show the importance of having Business intelligence as well as data and information management systems through the review of various literatures and the incorporation of a case study. Market analysis of consumer data is not a new practice as it has been in use since the ancient Mesopotamians time where clay tablets were used to store information (Thierauf, 2001). Although the systems in use may have evolved dramatically, the core principles of the practices have not. Data mining and business intelligence in an organizational setting main goal is to analyze the market practices with the aim of providing the best course of action for specific market populations (Nandi, 2014). Traditionally, business intelligence was meant to; analyze vendor relationships, sales trends, effectiveness of marketing, customer habits, market behavior and manage organizational finances as well as predict demand (Shaw, 2011). However, with the development of intelligent systems, the scope of the practice has grown with the systems having broader applications. These include tracking of service delivery, sharing of information of between professionals like doctors and safeguarding the priva cy of individuals’ information (Shaw, 2011). Nevertheless, the data management systems of today that have enabled large data storage in

Monday, August 26, 2019

Compression in Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Compression in Media - Essay Example This run of information is learnt to be facilitated by the different forms of media present around us. The absence of the efficient flow or exchange of such extensive information would as a result restrict the viewpoints and attitudes of the general people further exploiting their respective thoughts and inferences in relation to the happenings in the world around them. It needs to be mentioned in this context that the theories related to the media helps in justifying as well as manipulating the work done and the information provided to the audiences (Lorimer, Gasher & Skinner, 2012). Thesis Statement This paper would focus on providing a detailed comprehension regarding the various theories related to the media along with a comparison between those. The research paper would also attempt to ascertain the specific perspectives on the way the media functions and manipulates in the society of that country. For the reason of comprehending the specific perspective, a lucid insight require s to be gained regarding the various theories such as libertarian theory, social responsibility theory and political economic theory related to media. Libertarian Theory The notion with regard to this particular libertarian theory is learnt to have developed from the thought that individuals are considered as rational beings who possesses enough competence to differentiate between the factual and the improper facts or information and make appropriate decisions based on such judgments. The underlying belief of this theory relates to the chief aim of the media that is believed to be the passing on of truth or facts and also the belief that media would desist from succumbing to any kind of outside pressures; for instance, from the corporate owners or the advertisers (Lorimer, Gasher & Skinner, 2012). The theory of libertarian even presumes that individuals holding contrasting or divergent perspectives will also be paid attention to. This implies that the responsibility of media under t his theory is considered to be the communication or presentation of the negative as well as the positive viewpoints. According to this theory, assails made on the guiding principles as has been laid down by the government are completely acknowledged and are also supported at times. This theory also eliminates any kind of limitations exerted on the import as well as export of the media information with regard to the national boundaries. The libertarian theory believes in complete independence of the journalists along with the media experts within the system of media organization (Lorimer, Gasher & Skinner, 2012). Social Responsibility Theory The theory of social responsibility has been stated to comply with the notion of the libertarian theory but still suggests the need to recommend the kind of behavior or functions that the media should indulge into. This specific theory was learnt to evolve from the Hutchins Commission Report regarding the Free and Responsible Press. There were ce rtain objectives that were assigned by the commission which also entailed the requirement for honest and comprehensive reporting of the entire possible aspects related to any issue. It believes that the media holds some specific responsibilities and commitments toward the society (Lorimer, Gasher & Skinner, 2012). This particular social responsibility theory even believes and complies with the notion that the government needs to support the media for the reason of acting in accordance with their respective responsibilities towards the society in case of any failures in keeping up with the obligation that is expected with regard to the media. It should be stated in this regard that this is where the theory stands apart from the libertarian t

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Love, sex and relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Love, sex and relationships - Essay Example This forms my basis of interest in this essay in order to know what factors contribute to a lasting relationship and how to know if it will last. In this essay, I learnt a number of factors that affect sustenance of any relationship, for instance, satisfaction and quality of alternatives, investment size and commitment. Satisfaction is due to the number of positive effects and issues one acquires from a relationship (Horan). In addition, ones satisfaction in a relationship highly depends on the degree of affection he or she receives from the other partner (Horan). Besides, I learnt that investments or resources that one enjoys from the relationship affect whether it is bound to last (Horan). Many people before putting an end to a relationship will tend to consider the privileges of being in it. For instance, affection, good reputation and comfort are some of the most considered factors (Horan) .The alternatives a person has are also important before putting a halt to a relationship. What is in store for me after separation? This is what numerous people would consider first. I also learnt that the other three factors influence ones commitment (Horan) In every relationship, that has affection leads to the satisfaction of the couple. This reflects a relationship that lasts as cited by Knox and Schacht (71). 2. Castleman, Michael. Fifty Shades of Penis Size. Psychology Today. 30Th April 2013. Web. 6Th May 2013. My interest in this essay was because it is unheard that a man would normally take time read â€Å"Fifty Shades trilogy: Fifty Shades of Gray, Fifty Shades Darker, and Fifty Shades Free† (Castleman). Fifty shades is popularly referred as a females’ book s as it is a romance domain which women highly appreciate (Castleman). In most instances, men prefer pornographic elements rather than romance, which many women fancy (Castleman). Another reason is â€Å"fifty shades† being one of the best selling books globally in just a span of two year s, has already caught the attention of numerous right-minded people (Castleman). Based on this essay I learnt pornography denies love and relationships the privilege of a passionate sex especially among the spouses (Castleman). However, romance features a relationship made up of breathless sex, which is an out growth of true love (Castleman). Despite all this, the two distinct aspects both encompass and illustrate more on fantasies based on gender (Castleman). I also learnt sexual fantasies on both genders focus on their fundamental mission in life (Castleman). Based on this fact, males’ genes endure having sex with as many females as possible and the only easiest to this is pornography (Castleman). However, Females their genes tend to survive if they raise children to sexual maturity (Castleman). I learnt few women consider the size of the penis in there sexual lives and fantasies (Castleman). Based on Carroll (138) study, although there might be psychological preference for large penises among some partners, the size has no correlation with sexual excitement. Although pornographic materials present exaggerated, sizes where many women contend penises’ size does not matter during sex (Carroll 138). 3. Holmes Bjarne .Do Sacrifices in Relationships Give Happiness? It Depends. Psychology Today. 30Th April 2013. Web. 6Th May 2013. A number of issues appear significant to me that have intrigued me into preferring this essay. In the current generation, several people get

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Google Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Google - Assignment Example Since its formation, the primary goal of the company has been to put information across the globe in an order and make them available to the population of the world at large. With its mission, the company has been highly successfully providing the world with several products and services including web products (Google, n.d.). The current research focuses on the growth and development of the Google Company and the various changes, challenges and opportunities encountered by the company over the years. The impact of such changes would also be learnt in the process and using the business analytics tools like the SWOT analysis, BCG growth matrix, Porter’s five forces model, Nine forces model, customer segmentation, and win/loss analysis, a detailed analysis of the company in regard to the industry has been conducted followed by suggested recommendations for further improvement of the company’s prospects. ... The company obtains huge income from their ad systems and the bargaining power of the suppliers can be expected to be low if the company can sustain it dominance over the market with respect to its products and services. Google has supremacy on around 60 percent of the information searches conducted over the internet. This provides the company with a competitive advantage over its competitors like the Yahoo and the Microsoft. The buyers of the company too do not have a controlling power over the company since the different accounts of the company depending on the earnings of the company do not have a contribution to the total revenue of the company. Also, not more than 5 percent of the revenue is generated from the networking sites of the company. Since Google provides its customers with informed as well as sorted data in the present business world when large population are dependent on the internet exploration, other companies have not been found to be as effective as Google in prov iding such facilities, thus lessening the threats of substitutes (Morrow, 2008). The Google Company can thus be observed to maintain its position its position in the industry efficiently in regard to all the five forces that Porter had mentioned to be focused for the success of the company. Organization: The Organization of the company may be analyzed through a SWOT analysis and the use of BCG Matrix. The strengths of the company lie in its effective team of management that guides the company through all the decision making of the company’s actions. Moreover the company tries different measures that are followed across the world to determine its planning and procedure. The company is dominant in providing its customers

Friday, August 23, 2019

Retelling Experiments H,B,D, Kettlewell's Studies of Industrial Essay

Retelling Experiments H,B,D, Kettlewell's Studies of Industrial Melanism in Peppered Moths - Essay Example Hagen reports further that Kettlewell himself added to the controversies through his defense to these criticisms, sidelining his own singular achievements in these first attempts at understanding survival patterns in the peppered moths. This summary endorses his views tentatively and sets out to describe Kettlewell's experiments in the most likely manner. The papered moth (Biston betularia) is almost a mythical creature in evolutionary biology today because it helped practitioners solve an important mystery in evolution. The moth, an endemic species to Great Britain and other parts of Europe, is known to have existed in three broad phenotypes. Before the industrial revolution of the 19th century the moth, popularly ascribed later as the typical phenotype, had grayish white wings flecked with small dark spots (Hagen, 1999, p. 144). Later on, with the growth of industry and increasing pollution, especially the aerial variety from coal dust in flues, in the surrounding areas this light-winged typical variety became less and less evident and moths with darker wing colors became more manifest. The more frequent appearance of this dark phenotype (Biston carbonaria), especially in wooded regions near industrial areas, raised questions among biologists who sought to explain their strange manifestation. It is significant to note here that the carbonaria has thoroughly dark wings while intermediate varieties with varying degrees of darkness in the wing colors, Biston insularia, have been increasingly observed since the time of Kettlewell's first experiments in an wooded area near the industrial town of Birmingham (Cook and Grant, 2000). The carbonari and insularia phenotypes are popularly known as melanics, because of their darker wings, and they evolve from activation of separate alleles available at the same locus as the typical phenotype gene, construed to be the original one (Cook and Grant, 2000). Kettlewell's Experiment: Before setting out on his first observational experiments in the woods near Birmingham, Kettlewell had already settled upon a theory in explanation of the strange higher incidence of the melanic varieties over the typical ones in that experiment area (Hagen, 1999, p.146). The first experiment here lasted for 11 days. The environment was mixed with birch and oak trees. While the birches had relatively lighter trunk colors the oak trees tended to have trunk colors darkened with soot from the neighboring industrial regions (Hagen, 1999, p. 146). Kettlewell reported all three phenotypes of the moths existing at the site. The typical ones tended to merge with the lighter colored birches while the melanics tended to do so on the darker oak trunks. For Kettlewell, the selection hypothesis suggested that the numbers of melanics would be

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3

Human Resource Management - Essay Example All these features are interrelated. This paper deals with wages and communication as two chief aspects of corporate environment and labor management. Wages and communication also serve as tools for reducing organizational conflict. Thus, organizations need to maintain an effective communication with its employees through discussion and interpersonal relationship for HRM and managing conflicts. 2.0 Introduction Employee- employer relationship has become an integral part of organizational practices at present times. Employee relations are hugely used for business orientation. Within an organization, both the employer as well as the employee desire to maintain a good professional relationship. This has been the reason why numerous organizations are emphasizing on development of relationship- based policies and practices. Changes in corporate business functioning promotes fair and justified behavior on part of management as well as the employees (Gennard and Judge 2005, p. 2- 3). Workpl ace relationship could lead to both harmony and conflict, as because it is based on paid employment. Within the whole process, every employee is trained, motivated, appraised and rewarded. This leads to development of not only formal institutional behavior, but informal interpersonal relationships as well. Factors that commonly affect relationship of employer and employee are labor unions, company culture, communication, wages, level of competencies, organizational objectives, etc. (Dzimbiri 2008, p. 1- 5) Wage could be considered as one of the determinants responsible for maintaining good terms in employer- employee relationship. Communication is yet another that influences professional relationship. This paper attempts to examine the some of the key aspects that influence the professional relationship shared by the employees and the employer. This paper also explores development of such relationship and also workplace environment due to factors like communication and wages. 3.0 Th ere are numerous factors that influence workplace relationships. Some of them are- Economic factors: The relationship shared by the employees and their employer is more unilateral in nature. Business process works by â€Å"downsizing† of the employees and â€Å"rightsizing† on part of the employers. Labor reciprocity has performance, appraisals and results for its basis. From economic perspecyive, business operation smoothly functions on mutual delivery of performance, both on part of the employees as well as of their employers. Economic interests of employees are directed towards personal gains, while that of the organizations are directed towards competence and deliverance. (Singh and Singh n.d., p. 128) Institutional factors: Level of competition highly influences workplace relationships. Distribution of work responsibilities, flexible timings, outsourcing have further influenced it. Professional attitude is the chief driving force. As a matter of fact, present age of globalization prefers one- to- one communication once again, but this time in the form of e-HR. Communication is maintained through electronic medium, in a virtual mode. Certain psychological factors are also interrelated to it. In a performance – driven work culture, employees are constantly driven by fears regarding job security. Thus, in industrial relations, counseling and mentoring has

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Black People Essay Example for Free

Black People Essay Tar Baby Toni Morrison’s novel might for some be a novel of cultural awakening. One also might at their first reading and perhaps also by reading the different studies made on Tar Baby, restricted to an interpretation that sees Jadine, Morrison’s protagonist, as woman who has, consciously or unconsciously, lost her â€Å"ancient properties† (305) and internalized the values of a white culture. Jadine has totally disconnected herself from her racial identity and cultural heritage. This reading is supported by the fact that Jadine has got her education in Europe with the financial assistance of Valerian Street (her aunt’s and uncle’s employer). Paraphrasing Marylyn sanders Mobley – the characterization of the protagonist, Jadine, draws attention to a fundamental problem as one that Morrison wants to affirm the self-reliance and freedom of a black woman who makes choices for her own life on her own terms. She also seeks to point out the dangers that can happen to the totally self-reliant if there is no historical connection. While the conflict in Tar Baby is undoubtedly â€Å"between assimilation and cultural nationalism represented by the sealskin coat Ryk has given her and the pie table† (Rayson, 94), the limiting categories which Jadine is continually forced into do not come from the white characters but primarily from the black community in which she finds herself because she (Jadine) has embraced white stereotypes along with white culture. While Valerian is portrayed as the traditional master-figure in the novel, it is actually Son, Sydney and Ondine, and the folk past represented by the different women in different places that try to conquer and dominate Jadine, who retain and represent their culture in the very colour of their skin. On the other hand, one could argue that it is as a result of Jadine’s university education in Europe and her career that further draws her away from her culture and identity and therefore (paraphrasing Mobley in Toni Morrison critical perspectives past and present) contributes significantly to the emotional and spiritual uncertainty that plague her as well as the many different roles that are imposed upon her by her aunt and uncle as well as the ‘society’ that caused her to seek upward social mobility. Sydney and Ondine, Jadine’s uncle and aunt in the novel can be seen as representative of one of the tar pits for Jadine. They do not accept all black people equal in the community in which they live because they employ racial hierarchies. Ondine sees herself as the only woman in the house (209), while Sydney notes more than twice that he is a Philadelphia Negro, â€Å"the proudest people in the race† (61). They seem to have a clear vision of what they want for Jadine their niece. As the story progresses, though, it becomes clearer that it is not actually a question of what they want for Jadine but what they want of her or expect her to do. In addition to them wanting Jadine to provide them safety and credit for their race, Ondine admits by the end of the novel, â€Å"maybe I just wanted her to feel sorry for us [ ] and that’s a lowdown wish if I ever had one† (282). Jadine understands that Sydney and Ondine â€Å"had gotten Valerian to pay her tuition while they sent her the rest† (49) and Ondine keeps reminding that she â€Å"would have stood on her feet all day all night to put Jadine through that school† (193). Ondine sees Jadine as her â€Å"crown† (282), and she and Sydney are continually â€Å"boasting† (49) about Jadine’s success to the point that Margaret calls Ondine â€Å"Mother Superior† (84). In return, they seem to want Jadine to offer them safety for the rest of their lives as Ondine claims that â€Å"Nothing can happen to us as long as she’s here† (102). They are not comfortable with the idea of Jadine marrying Ryk, who is â€Å"white but European which was not as bad as white and American† (48), but they are terrified of her running off with a â€Å"no-count Negro† (193) like Son. Although their views on racial hierarchies seem to alter from time to time, on the outside they seem to want what is best for Jadine. Jadine refute Ondine’s views of black womanhood when she tells her some of the things that are expected of her from society Jadine tells Ondine that: â€Å"I don’t want to learn how to be the kind of woman you’re talking about because I don’t want to be that kind of woman† (282). This, according to Rayson (1998), might be interpreted as Jadine’s â€Å"rejecting the roles of mother, daughter, and woman to stay the tar baby† (Rayson, 95), however it marks her becoming aware of what kind of woman she is by the end of the novel. Jadine‘s inclination toward upward social mobility leads to her separation from the Afro-American roots and the tar quality that Morrison advocates. This kind of flaw in Jadine effectively disqualifies her as a black woman capable of nurturing a family and by large the community. Jadine‘s perception of an ancestral relationship from which she is estranged occurs when she sees an African woman in a Parisian bakery. When she is celebrating her success as model evidenced in her appearance on the cover of Elle, Jadine becomes nervous or perhaps uncomfortable by the African woman in yellow attire. She triggers an identity crisis in Jadine at the moment when she should have felt more secure with her professional achievement assured by beauty and education. In his African woman, Jadine catches a glimpse of beauty, a womanliness, an innate elegance, a nurturer, an authenticity that she had never known before: ? That woman‘s woman – that mother/sister/she/; that unphotographable beauty? (p. 43). By calling the African woman ? that mother/sister/she,? J. Deswal (online source â€Å"Tar Baby- Shodhganga) claims that â€Å"Morrison presents a threefold definition of womanhood which can thrive within the confines of family and community only. The three eggs she balances effortlessly in her ? tar-black fingers? (p. 44) appear to Jadine as if the woman were boasting of her own easy acceptance of womanhood†. Wendy Harding and Jacky Martin in A World of Difference: An Inter-cultural Study of Toni Morrison explain the importance of the African woman‘s presence as such: â€Å"Whereas Jadine has just been rewarded for her conformity to Western ideals of feminity, the African woman suggests a more powerful version of black womanhood. Like some fertility goddess, she holds in her hand the secret of life. She is the mother of the world in whose black hands whiteness appears as something as easily crushed as cared for (71). When Jadine measures herself by the idea of black womanhood that she sees in the African woman the insecurities of her rootless condition surface in her mind. The women in yellow makes Jadine confront her female role and her sexuality†. Jadine sees ? something in her eyes so powerful? (p. 42) that she follows the woman out of the store. The writers also claim that â€Å"As a symbol of repudiation of Jadine‘s westernized lifestyle, the African woman ? looks right at Jadine? (p. 43) and spits on the pavement†. Jadine hates the woman for her spitting, but what she cannot do is escape feeling ? lonely in a way; lonely and inauthentic? as she tells the readers on page 45. When the sense of self is based on the denial of one‘s ethnic roots, one is certain to experience mental chaos and alienation. So, the woman‘s insult to Jadine had the powerful effect of challenging Jadine‘s choices: her white boyfriend, her girlfriends in New York, her parties, her picture on the cover of Elle and the way she lived her life. One can say that it is as a result of the African woman that Jadine desided to visit her aunt and uncle on the island. Jadine is confused and even questions her plans to marry Ryk, her white boyfriend: I wonder if the person he wants to marry is me or a black girl? And if it isn‘t me he wants, but any black girl who looks like me, talks and acts like me, what will happen when he finds out that I hate ear hoops, that I don‘t have to straighten my hair, that Mingus puts me to sleep, that sometimes I want to get out of my skin and be only the person inside – not American – not black – just me? (p. 45) It is through Son, however, that Morrison offers Jadine the ultimate opportunity to ‘redeem’ herself to her heritage, adapt it and revive her womanhood. Son picks up from where the African woman left off in a sense by making Jadine confront her inauthenticity. Jadine and Son enjoys their stay in New York because it is the place where Jadine feels at ease. She feels loved and safe: ? He ‘unorphaned’ her completely and gave her a brand-new childhood? (p. 231). In turn, Son is encouraged by her need and by his apparent ability to redefine Jadine culturally and emotionally. Son insists that he and Jadine goes to Eloe his hometown where Jadine will see how Son is rooted in family and cultural heritage. He attempts to rescue Jadine from her ignorance and disdain for her cultural heritage, trying in a sense to mould Jadine into the image of his black female ancestors. Son assumes that a relationship with Jadine will mean that they will have children together. He presses claims for family and community: ? He smiled at the vigour of his own heartbeat at the thought of her having his baby? (p. 220). Thus, he wants Jadine to love the nurturing aspects of home and fraternity. He is fed on dreams of his community women. The dreams of ? yellow houses with white doors? and ? fat black ladies in white dresses minding the pie table? (p. 119) are nourishment to Son. Sandra Pouchet Paquet (The ancestors as foundation in their eyes were watching god and tar baby) observes: ? In Son‘s dreams of Eloe, the African-American male ego is restored in a community of black man at the center of a black community. But however appreciative Son is of the beauty, the strength, and the toughness of black women; his vision is of male dominance; of the black women as handmaiden? (511). The image feminity that Son cherishes – of the black woman taking passive role as a nurturer of the hearth – is flagrantly opposite to Jadine‘s perception of the modern black woman. This terrifies Jadine and narrows the possibility of their forming a family. The modern, educated black woman seems to snivel at the aspects of traditional female- specific role as the nurturer of hearth and home. Decadent white values and life style thwart the black woman’s vital roles of building families and raising children. The modern black woman cannot be a complete human being, for she allows her education to keep her career separate from her nurturing role. The black woman is increasingly becoming able to define her own status and to be economically independent. She tries to seek equality in her relationship with men. Robert Staples gives an insight into the faltering dynamics of modern couples: ? What was once a viable institution because women were a subservient group has lost its value for some people in these days of women‘s liberation. The stability of marriage was contingent on the woman accepting her place in the home and not creating dissension by challenging the male‘s prerogatives? (125). The black woman‘s intrinsic quality of ? accepting her place in the home? is Morrison‘s tar quality. However, in advocating the tar quality Morrison does not admonish the educational and professional accomplishments of the black woman. In fact, the black woman is expected to achieve a balance between her roles in the domestic and professional fields. â€Å"It is the historical ability of black women to keep their families and careers together. In an era where both the black male and female seek to fulfill individual desires, relationships falter and, consequently, the prospects of the propagation of a family are not too bright. Jadine‘s tar quality is submerged by the white-like urge for freedom and self-actualization. As a result, she finds the conventions of black womanhood antithetical to her own value system†. At Eloe, Jadine is determined to resist rigid male-female role categorization. Jadine cannot ? understand (or accept) her being shunted off with Ellen and the children while the men grouped on the porch and after a greeting, ignored her? (p. 248). While at Eloe, Jadine is provided with yet another chance to attain certain qualities that is for black women. She is accustomed to living an upper-class white lifestyle so she finds the people of Eloe limited and backward. Their stifling little shacks are more foreign to her than the hotel-like splendor of Valerian‘s mansion. She stays in Aunt Rosa‘s house where she feels claustrophobically enclosed in a dark, windowless room. She feels ? she might as well have been in a cave, a grave, the dark womb of the earth, suffocating with the sound of plant life moving, but deprived of its sight? (p. 254). It is in this very room where Jadine and Son were having sex that she had a second awakening vision, which is more frightening than the one she had in Paris about the African Woman. Here, Older, black, fruitful and nurturing women – her own dead mother, her Aunt Ondine, Son‘s dead wife, the African woman in yellow and other black women of her past – become a threatening part of Jadine‘s dreams: I have breasts too,‘ she said or thought or willed, I have breasts too. ‘ But they didn‘t believe her. They just held their own higher and pushed their own farther out and looked at her,? (p. 261) and ? the night women were not merely against her not merely looking superior over their sagging breasts and folded stomachs, they seemed somehow in agreement with each other about her, and were all determined to punish her for having neglected her cultural heritage. They wanted to bind the person she had become and choke it with their breasts. The night women? accuse Jadine for trading the ? ancient properties? (p. 308) of being a daughter, mother, and a woman for her upward mobility and self-enhancement. All these women are punishing Jadine for her refusal to define herself in relation to family, historical tradition and culture. As they ‘brandish’ their breasts before her eyes, they mock and insult her with their feminity. Jadine finds these women backward and sees no self-fulfilling value in the roles that they serve. However, she is constantly haunted by dreams of the black female image that she seems to have lost throughout life. Ondine express shame and disappointment over her lack of concern for her family, the African woman, at the Parisian bakery, spits at her in disgust and the night women, in the vision at Eloe taunt her with their nurturing breasts. Having refuted her own black culture and heritage, Jadine face the consequence of a divided consciousness and a mental death. Her decision to end the love affair with Son— ? I can‘t let you hurt me again? (p. 274) is an evidence of her shunning womanhood and losing her Afro- American roots as she chooses Ryk her white boyfriend over Son who refused to become the person or image that Jadine wants him to be . Jadine is compelled to make her choice and she decides that it is in Paris, away from Son, where there are prospects of financial success and personal independence. She doesn‘t want what Son and Eloe have to offer: To settle for wifely competence when she could be a beauty queen or to settle for fertility rather than originality and nurturing instead of building? (p. 271). Jadine makes it clear to the reader that she is self-sufficient and independent of men, family and community.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Emerging Trends in Education

Emerging Trends in Education For individuals, the potential benefits lie in general quality of life and in the economic returns of sustained, satisfying employment. For countries, the potential benefits lie in economic growth and the development of shared values that underpin social cohesion. This statement highlights the importance of education not only from individuals point of view but also from the nations perspective. Through this project I would highlight the changes in the educational trends since years and the present scenario of education system. Apart from it I would also throw light on the future prospects of such changes. Education plays a major role in individuals growth as well as in nations development. There are certain factors which have led to the changes in the educational system like liberalization, globalization, growing demand etc which would be discussed in detail in the later stages. This project would tell us that what are the major areas where changes in education has taken place and in what form. CHAPTER 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE The study on Online education and the challenge of MOTIVATION (Timothy .Arnold) This case examines the increasing importance of online education and some of the problems related with it due to a wider and new concept. Many students get demotivated since online education classes are a new education format, it also does not possess many of the known support systems that we can find inside a traditional school structure. These support systems are what helps keep students motivated. Though online education is very important to be competitive but still due to lack of efficient faculty it is becoming a difficult concept for learning. The lack of social interaction can also be a significant contributing factor for online education students easily losing the motivation to study. The case also tells us that problems could be overcomed through identifying a goal and work towards its attainment. This process helps you build up your pride in your accomplishments. It could also be overcomed by increasing chat with the instructors. The study on Benefits of Online Education And Degrees in India This case tells us coming age is of online education. Online education gives students an opportunity to have greater control over their own schedule compared to traditional education opportunities and settings. Time and money are two of everybodys most precious commodities these days. Online degrees have been wisely accepted in job market, most online students have no problem to use their online degree to start their career or find a job. Taking an online education course also saves time. Online education is a relatively new field that depends on the Internet to provide the delivery of instruction to students. THE STUDY ON DISTANCE LEARNING Through this case I have analyzed that what student expects from distance education. It tells us that students who have family pressure and due to some reason can not attend regular classes, distance learning / distance education is mainly meant for those students. The reason for that, they did not want to leave their present job and want some success in their life after getting higher degree courses. if we talk about the number of colleges that offer distance learning, the list is like annamalai university, Delhi university, Panjab university, Guru Nanak Dev university, IGNOU, JAMIA HAMDARD university, Kurukshetra university are some of the famous distance learning centers that offers various types of distance education courses in the fields of arts, science, medical, accountancy, it, engineering and many more. This shows that day by day distance learning is gaining its importance. THE STUDY ON ROLE OF EDUCATION IN ECONOMICS GROWTH (SANA) This case highlights that the growth of the economy and development of a country is depending upon the education system of that particular country. European countries have already opened doors for international students and these countries are always emphasis on improving their education structure, developing more colleges and universities on country side areas and always in a way to update their course content on regular basis. The study on Higher Education in INDIA (BY Suma Chitnis) It concludes the era of how the higher education exist in India after the independence: First, higher education was to provide the manpower required for economic growth and for an efficient delivery of services such as healthcare, transportation, communication and community welfare -considered basic to a developed society. And, it was to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the manner required to place India on par with the developed world. Second, higher education functions as an instrument of equality. It was recognized that these objectives were the very opposite of those that universities had served in British India. ROLE OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN BASIC EDUCATION (ANURADHA DE, MANABI MAJUMADAR, MEERA SAMSON AND CLAIRE NORONHA) it tells us that private schools have been expanding rapidly in recent years. It cautions that increasing privatization will only increase the already strong gender bias in schooling. The number of private institutions is expected to increase, if government system is allowed to deteriorate further. CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION Education is important not only for the full development of ones personality, but also for the sustained growth of the nation. Education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. The growth of the economy and development of a country is depending upon the education system of that particular country. Most of the developed countries and other developed European countries already open doors for students and these countries are always emphasis on improving their education structure, developing more colleges and universities on country side areas and always in a way to update their course content on regular basis. There have been some significant changes of emphasis between subjects, most notably the raising of the status of basic literacy and numeracy. Educations nowadays have been totally technology based. Online education, though a comparatively new system of delivering education, has come a long way to be recognized. More and more colleges and universities have started adding online courses as well as other forms of distance learning. As compared to other countries, India has also launched many types of different degree courses offered by various universities and colleges of India. Like education degree courses have played an important role in improving and developing education sector of India. Education is chosen to be the principal instrument for the countrys transformation from a poor, dependent, economically and technologically backward imperial colony into an advanced nation. In the larger design for this transformation which calls for economic development as well as extensive social and political change higher education is given much importance. Education is the only possession no one can ever take away from you. It offers a multiplicity of top quality education programs of interest to international students. Efforts to make learning more interactive and more fun for students appear promising. COMPARISON OF EDUCATIONAL TRENDS IN PRE ERA AND POST ERA In contrast with the traditional situation in which teaching staff develops courses on their own, and choose the way they teach and assess student progress (the teacher as king of his class) but now with the changing times, learning environments of the future will be designed by multi-disciplinary teams of experts. Experts in developing course material, programmers, graphical designers, and experts in assessment, all work together in designing rich modularized learning environments that offer alternative learning routes to different types of students. Earlier students focused more on the primary learning materials that was offered by teaching staff. But now the emphasis is on developing competencies needed to become knowledge workers, and if work and learning are more interconnected, one expect learning environments to become more open. Students nowadays with the changing times go beyond the primary learning materials offered by teaching staff and are expected to explore independently other information sources as well. With several educational options available to students today, newer trends are emerging in this field which has completely changed the traditional held perceptions about education in India. Several career options that were earlier not considered to be traditional have emerged as the most sought after education and career options. Various career options in like radio jockeying, radio management, news anchoring, program anchoring, news reading and reporting for the electronic media, content writing, fashion designing, event management, hospital management, medical transcription etc, have opened up several newer avenues for education. Traditional study courses like medicine, engineering and other subjects still have lots of demand. However, with the changing trends in the global and national economic scenario newer courses are fast emerging as alternative. The recent trends in education have certainly shown a deviation from the earlier trends. Online Education is fast becoming a major preferred mode of education among students. Enrolling to regular courses is increasingly getting highly competitive in India; So online education and distance education has come as a wonderful alternative and several students opt for this. Online education means web based learning, but there is no universally accepted definition. One of the main reasons for this is the provision that one can get degrees from various renowned universities from anywhere in India. Distance education is given through correspondence courses, where the student and the teacher are separated in time and space and sometimes both. Distance learning is doing a wonderful job by enabling the less advantaged sections of the society have an opportunity to get educated. CHANGES IN EDUCATIONAL TRENDS There are profound changes going on in the educational system. Almost every aspect of primary and secondary education has changed. These changes are needed because of ever growing pressure in the school systems themselves, partly because society itself is changing into one in which knowledge work becomes ever more important, and partly because of the very information and communication technologies which are transforming the economies. By confronting trends and technological developments, a new concept is emerged with a vision of a global learning infrastructure in which the role of schools and universities will be drastically changed, a radical transformation of the educational system. Major reasons behind these changes are:-: Globalization and liberalization Changes have led to more flexible learning arrangements. Education is under constant budget pressure, thus there is a need for more efficient and effective education. There are too many dropouts in the current educational system. Demand for more professional and skilled employees is increasing. Following are some of the examples of changes in educational trends:- MOBILE LEARNING- Todays students expect constant access to information-in the classroom and beyond. As educators all over the world are discovering, mobile learning has solved many problems. Students devour engaging, customized curricula when its delivered on the iPod or iPhone.Audio and video podcasts let students study at their own pace, wherever and whenever they want. ONE-TO-ONE COMPUTING- One-to-one computing means that every student or teacher is given to a computer, the internet and software anytime and anywhere. This way they can make maximum utilization of their time and become more efficient. PERSONALIZED LEARNING- Personalized Learning is a unique, blended classroom-based and non classroom-based public educational model that is tailored to the needs and interests of each individual student. The key attributes that comprise the Personalized Learning model are based upon how students learn most successfully, including a strong emphasis on parental involvement, smaller class sizes, more one-on-one teacher and student interaction, attention to differences in learning styles, student-driven participation in developing the learning process, technology access, varied learning environments, teacher and parent development programs, and choices in curriculum programs. VIDEO TRAINING- To enhance the quality of teaching and learning of pre-service training. The use of digital video was introduced. As a result of the use of video, trainees are able to improve their teaching performances in areas such as classroom management, group work, and motivation and presentation skills. PRIMARY EDUCATION The proposed changes to primary education seek to ensure that students are equipped not just with content knowledge, but also with the necessary skills and values to thrive in a fast-changing and globalised future. They build on the strengths of the current system, and seek to raise primary education to a new level. ATTITUDE OF THE TEACHER-The most important aspect of the approach is the attitude of the teacher, which highlights that learning is a form of play which fosters the blossoming of the childs natural development. Learning is made interesting, enjoyable, and full of fun. A large portion of the teaching materials are produced at the school by the teachers, who customize their teaching aids to suit the interests and knowledge levels of the students. HEALTH AND NUTRITION- First attention is given to the health and nutrition of the children to ensure that they have the physical energy and natural attention span needed for learning. Nutritional and medical supplements are provided to under-nourished children from low income families. Free exercising and play are encouraged to build strength and stamina. STUDENT-TEACHER RATIO IS KEPT VERY LOW- The student-teacher ratio is kept very low to enable the teacher to work with small groups of children at a time while others are absorbed in learning games or recreational play. The most effective ratio is 10 students per teacher during pre-school, LKG and UKG and twenty five students per teacher during standards 1 to 5. However, since the teaching methods are intense, each student actually needs to attend only 2Â ½ to 3 hours of class per day, enabling each teacher to effectively handle double the number of students. TEACHING CONFINED TO BRIEF PERIODS- Children learn spontaneously when their interest and curiosity are awakened. Teaching is confined to brief periods according to the natural attention span of each child, which is normally 15-30 minutes daily during the first two years. It is never extended beyond the childs span of interest. STORY TELLING- Story telling is used to make learning fun and to communicate basic values of goodness, beauty, harmony, responsibility and right conduct. Information on people and other living things, places, history, geography, and other cultures are presented to the child in the form of stories, pictorial information and explanations combined together to present facts in a living, integrated context rather than as a series of separate divorced subjects. NUMBER LINE METHOD- Rapid acquisition of basic math skills is achieved through the use of number line method which enables the child to physically experiment and act out different combinations of addition and subtraction. HIGHER EDUCATION Higher Education is not only a tool for economic development but a means of bolstering the confidence of a country and bringing about social change. Todays students are consumers looking for quality of service and recognition, access and equity, financing and cost, building of intellectual capital and capacity as well as policy coherence. QUALITY, ASSURANCE AND RECOGNITION It focuses on providing information and capacity to empower higher education stakeholders to make better informed decisions in the new world of higher education. This initiative aims to provide information to protect students from inadequate learning resources and low-quality provisions. Recognition refers to the acceptance of a foreign certificate, diploma or degree of higher education as a valid credential by the competent authorities and the granting to its holder the same rights enjoyed by persons who possess a national qualification for which the foreign one is assessed as comparable. DIGITAL LIBRARIES AND EDUCATION. More and more information is made available through the web. Search engines assure the accessibility of this material. Groupware allows synchronous communication between teachers and students worldwide. Online market research is quick and easy, and this market information can be combined with transaction log data allowing institutions to monitor consumer (i.e., student) response on an ongoing basis. Through the Internet, course material can be offered independently of time and place. Modularization makes it possible to offer different and flexible learning routes. INTERNSHIPS AND INDUSTRIAL VISITS Additions of internships and industrial visits have encouraged students to be more interactive and develop their skills in a better way. Industrial visits help students to take full advantage of learning opportunities and also helps students to become more effective and competitive. On the other hand by doing internship one can gain valuable work experience, apply classroom knowledge, gain confidence, increases interaction and creates opportunities to know and understand people better which would also help individual to be flexible. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (VET) Due to vocational education more students are getting employment quickly as it involves more involvement of industry, internships and due to this there is also less efforts thats needs to be taken by the institutions in order to train employees as students are already well versed and familiar with the work to be undertaken so it helps industries to save their training costs. TECHNICAL EDUCATION As the technical education courses in India are quite diverse, the number of institutes providing technical courses in India is also huge. More than 33o universities and 18000 training colleges are providing technical education. Technical education is day by day becoming the need of the hour. Technical education is given importance because without technical education one would not be able to handle work efficiently as would find it difficult to cope up with as changing world would involve more of technicalities and without much of its knowledge one cannot survive in industry for long. Nowadays technology is used as an additional tool for traditional teaching and learning processes and also technology is used as the center of an innovative teaching and learning process DISTANCE EDUCATION One of the main reasons for this is the provision that one can get degrees from various renowned universities from anywhere in India. Distance education is given through correspondence courses, where the student and the teacher are separated in time and space. Distance learning is enabling the less advantaged sections of the society have an opportunity to get educated. There are different types of distance learning options available to students. Some of them are Postal correspondence courses interactive CD-ROM courses pocket PC/mobile learning course Telecourse/ broadcast course through radio or television and synchronous or asynchronous internet courses. Just like online education, in distance education too, students will not have to relocate to new places or make any changes in their existing work. PRIVATE EDUCATION The concept of private education has been increasingly given importance. Private schools often provide superior results at a fraction of the unit cost of government schools. It has been pointed out that private schools cover the entire curriculum and offer extra-curricular activities such as science fairs, general knowledge, sports, music and drama. FACTORS LEADING TO CHANGE IN EDUCATIONAL TRENDS Several developments in the workplace, changes in student demographics, and the economic trends are forcing educational institutions to change. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE WORKPLACE Employers are seeking employees who are technology and information literate. The education of new knowledge workers requires emphasis on information access, problem solving, analysis, evaluation, and decision making. Rapid change and uncertainty in the workplace encourages employers to seek individuals who already have the required skills. The increasing number of part-time workers require more flexible access to education. Knowing how to access information rather than memorizing information is central to coping with this rapid change. ECONOMIC PRESSURES Economic pressures are one of the reason for educational change. As most of the faculty is already working as hard as they can. And by trying to get the faculty to work harder will not produce greater efficiency. Due to increasing demand and to reduce unemployment rate changes in education is necessary. COMPETITION Private business has begun to see profit potential in offering short, inexpensive market-specific training that appears to be highly relevant to students. This training directly competes with traditional college programs. Access to the Internet allows learners to take courses virtually anywhere in the world. There are currently hundreds of courses available from accredited North American colleges in all academic disciplines. Geographic location is no longer relevant. Global competition is increasing constantly. INTERNATIONALIZATION, REGIONALIZATION AND GLOBALIZATION Internationalization, regionalization and globalization are key factors that shape Higher Education. The development of regional education and research areas in various parts of the world challenges national values and cultures and calls for new regional instruments (e.g. for quality assurance and recognition). The specific challenges facing small states, whether island or landlocked, requires special attention in the context of globalization. FUTURE PROSPECTS The pace of change is mandating to produce a faster, smarter, better grade of human being. Future education system will be unleashed with the advent of a standardized rapid courseware-builder and a single point global distribution system. SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS With the introduction of changes in education system it would give rise to successful entrepreneurs. As sound and capable executives are rendered completely ineffective in a startup environment but as the concept of provision of education has changed and more emphasis is laid on technical and managerial skills these executives are emerging or found more immensely. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Changes in education would also lead to development of the nation as individuals would be more efficient and capable which would directly contribute to the nations growth and development. It would also lead to more innovations and raise the standard of living as individuals would be more organized. With more knowledge and high skills one would become highly competitive and could easily adapt in any part of the country. It would also lead to better functioning of the units. TECHNOLOGICAL ERA Coming era would be technological era, The Information Age, also commonly known as the Computer Age, is an idea that the age will be characterized by the ability of individuals to transfer information freely, and to have instant access to knowledge that would have been difficult or impossible to find previously. The idea is linked to the concept of a Digital Age or Digital Revolution, and carries the ramifications of a shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based around the manipulation of information. SKILLED AND HIGHLY EFFICIENT WORKERS It would also lead to highly skilled and efficient employees who have been provided quality education. The employees would carry a positive framework or outlook and would be very effective in their decision making and would also carry technical and managerial skills which would help them to be more productive and qualitative in nature. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY OBJECTIVES To study the comparison of educational trends in the past era and the present scenario. To study the effects of changing educational trends on the Indian society. To study the changes in the present educational system To know about the factors leading to the change in the education. CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION In this study I have analyzed that globalization has played a major role in changing educational system. Foreign culture has a direct impact on the country. The companies that are entering Indian market are looking for the individuals who are highly qualified and consists of a mix of technical and managerial skills i.e. person should have complete technical knowledge and must have skills of leadership and should also be highly efficient. Changed educational system would lead to successful entrepreneurs. And these Successful entrepreneurs would be those who innovate, plan strategically, hold the risk bearing ability and stand strong against all the stumbling blocks transform them into stepping stones by bringing sweeping changes and revolutionizing. There had been lot many changes in the educational system whether it is incase of primary or higher education. In case of primary education stress have been reduced as education is taught keeping in mind the health of the students. Visual aids, gaming, story telling etc are given much importance in order to provide education to the students. More emphasis is laid on this method because it is found that this is much faster means of learning and also helps students to develop their personality and leads to more interaction. Whereas on the other hand incase of higher education more emphasis is laid on imparting quality education .quality education helps individual develop better learning skills. Internships have been introduced which encourages students to relate their college based knowledge with the practical knowledge and they can visualize the work actually done in the industry. Through this one can also focus on their goals more accurately. With the increased industrial visits one can develop its interactive skills and also improve its learning. It has also been analyzed that with the increasing competition changes in the educational methods are equally important as traditional method of teaching have become totally obsolete. With the changing time, the era would be totally technology based. Lack of computer education could also lead to unemployment as it would become need of the hour. Without computer education one would become unable to work efficiently and effectively. It would also lead to wastage of time and also resources. Such individuals would not be as productive as computer learning nowadays have become a necessity for every individual. Due to this fact most of the colleges have increasingly introduced more of computer aided programs and also included its training as a part of their curriculum. This case also highlights the introduction of new courses and learning programs. It also had laid emphasis on new educations systems like distance learning, mobile learning, online education that includes learning through interaction with faculty on cams. FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS FINDINGS A change in education has led to better individual development as well as development of the nation. Technology plays a major role in imparting education. Burden of students during primary stage is reduced as the education is conducted more in informal manner through role playing, story telling, conducting games etc. Higher education is improved by introducing internships, projects and by introducing industrial visits which adds more value to it. Globalization, liberalization and demand of the hour has led to educational changes. Educational change has bought a positive impact on the would also improve literacy rate. SUGGESTIONS As per my opinion more emphasis must be given on e-learning than to book learning as it would help individual to conduct its operations easily in any part of the country as technology is improving day by day and access to it is equally important. More emphasis should be laid on industrial visits, technology accessibility i.e. theoretical learning should be directly linked with practical learning. More of practical approach should be used. Lectures and interaction with renowned personalities in the concerned field should be increased. It would help students develop their intellectual level, motivate them and develop confidence in them. Last but not the least as per my viewpoint more informal method of learning should be used, as it would help individual to develop its skills at a faster pace than the formal approach. CONCLUSION India is a developing nation and it has been expanding is every fields. Education saw an essential change gradually after Independence. Development of education in India brought about a transformation and the concept of education got modified. All levels of education in India, from primary to higher education portray a challenge. India got well-known educational institutions such as the IITs, IISc, IIMs, NITs, AIIMS, ISI, JU, BITS, and ISB. The higher education system of India is the third largest in the world, after China and the United States. Education travelled a long way and thus Indian education system introduced certain advantageous system such as online education In India. Online education is a system of education training which is delivered primarily via the Internet to students at remote locations. Online education encompasses various degrees and courses. Indian education has different phases. Students are provided with extensive scope and courses to choose from. One enjoys the opportunity of selecting the required field. The system of Distant Education in India is becoming increasingly popular. The students choosing distance learning process are benefited with the modern pattern followed. The availability of distance learning courses has assured that a person can pursue education from any state or university accordingly. So this highlights the increasing importance of changes in education and their benefits and effects on Indian society. CHAPTER 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY Sites referred:- www.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Identifying Personal Development And Learning Styles Personal Development Essay

Identifying Personal Development And Learning Styles Personal Development Essay It is obvious that as a practicing first-line manager, your own success is more likely if you use your talents (strengths) to their full extent to exploit the opportunities that present themselves to you. Also, its important to understand your weaknesses so that you can manage them out of your daily work activities and thereby also eliminate any threats which may affect your potential to progress. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis (Stanford Research Institute 1960-1970) is a useful technique to identify and analyse, in a proactive manner, these four areas. Not only that, but it also provides a good framework for reviewing your own personal development needs and enables you to work on your personal strengths and abilities to distinguish yourself from your peers and hence forward your career My own personal SWOT analysis has been appended to this assignment (see Appendix A). Own Learning Style(s) Identified Honey and Mumford (HM) use the terms activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist to represent the four key learning styles (or preferences). These correspond to stages in the learning cycle and are based on earlier work by David Kolb (and indeed are used interchangeably by some authors with the terms in the Kolb model). Both models are particularly interesting from the perspective that they offer a way to understand peoples different learning styles but also explain a cycle of experimental learning which can be applied to everyone. The four HM key stages and styles are typically presented at north, east, south and west on a four-stage cyclical flow diagram. This actually expresses a four stage cycle of learning in which having an immediate or concrete experience provides a basis for reviewing/reflecting on the experience. These reflections are assimilated into conclusions from the experience producing implications for action which enables the planning for the next step, i.e. the creation of a new experience. In theory, the learner should visit all four points of the diagram i.e. a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking and acting. They, and their relationship with Kolbs learning styles, are explained in the Table A below: Table A -Comparison of HM Learning stages/styles with Kolb learning style Kolbs Learning Style HM Learning Style/Stage Preferred learning opportunity Personality characteristics of learning style Accomodating Having an Experience/Activists Practical, hands on Here and now; seek challenge and immediate experience; Bored by implementation Diverging Reviewing the experience/ Reflectors Gather information, consider and analyse Stands back; Thoughtful; listens before speaking Assimilating Concluding from the Experience/ Theorists Logical approach, gathers facts to form theories Rational, objective, dismisses subjectivity Converging Planning the next steps /Pragmatists Seeks new concepts, problem solving Likes quick decisions, bored with long discussions Most people naturally prefer a certain single different learning style. Various factors can influence this and Kolb defined 3 stages of a persons development and suggests that the integration of the four different learning styles improves as a person progresses through the development stages. I have completed an HM Learning Style Questionnaire and my preferred learning styles are Theorist and Pragmatist. This means that I have a preference for a concise and logical approach to learning. For me, ideas and concepts are more interesting than people. I do require a good, clear explanation; however, one slight difference to this learning style is that I like to see that the theory can work in a practical situation as well. I enjoy technically related tasks such as gathering and understanding wide-ranging information and trying to organise it in a logical format. In a formal learning situation, my preferences are reading and lectures and having time to consider things. I like to solve problems and make decisions by finding answers to questions. This was not particularly surprising because my job role as an Assurance Specialist involved in auditing actually demands a logical style of approach to deliver work effectively. Furthermore, problem solving is also a key skill for me in advising teams on how to resolve issues with their management processes. Analyse Learning and Development Options and Identify Barriers and Support mechanisms Two learning/development options one for self, one for organisation My personal SWOT analysis identified two development options as follows: To improve my soft skills such as assertiveness, communication and the effectiveness of my decision making. This would help in meeting the needs of the organisation and of the needs of my immediate team. To gain a better understanding of how Environmental Management is applied by Network Rail at a Project level. This would help me to gain an insight as to how I could apply some of the information I learnt on my Institute of Environmental Management (IEMA) course in a practical scenario. I have added both of these onto a Personal Development Plan, which is attached as Appendix C to this assignment. In terms of development opportunity (1), I could make use of the many e-learning tools available via the Network Rail Intranet site as well as obtaining support from my line manager to check my progress as well as him giving me tasks which will help to develop my soft-skills. I could monitor the success of this personal development through regular (once a month) one-to-ones with my line-manager and via my 6-monthly performance reviews. Listening and learning from what has worked well for him in the past would align itself well with the pragmatic approach I prefer to learning. With respect to my own personal development opportunity (2), there is a course offered through Network Rail about Environmental Management within Projects. I have booked a place on this course and intend to follow it up by conducting audits on Environmental Management across Infrastructure Projects as part of the 2010-11 National Core Audit Programme. In this way, I shall be able to speak to Environmental Specialists who apply Environmental Management techniques as part of their daily activities an gain a deeper understanding of what is involved. Identify Barriers to learning and how to overcome them Some potential barriers which could prevent or slow down my progress are time-constraints, distractions and issues with the suitability of e-Learning to my own learning style. These barriers could be overcome by planning a time-out for learning within my weekly schedule and ensuring that I commit to not allowing any work activities to interfere with it. Im unsure as to whether e-learning will complement my learning style because the courses do not present practical situations to apply what has been learnt. However, perhaps regular feedback sessions and suitable tasks set by my line-manager may serve to complement the e-learning courses. Considering the Environmental Management training I have identified, after completing the course, I will need to liaise with the staff drawing up the National Core Audit Programme so that I can be included for the Environmental Section of at least 2 of the audits across the Investment Projects portfolio. The auditing aspect will require me to make careful preparation before visiting the Programme so that I have a full awareness of how they are managing the Environment. This could involve looking at their Environmental Management Plan in detail and compiling a series of relevant questions before I make the visit. Both the training and my IEMA qualification should enable me to do this and carry out the audit effectively. Support mechanisms for self-development I would look to support from my line-manager and team members through the use of formal (1-2-1s) and ad-hoc reviews of my progress. Regular teleconferences or face-to-face meetings with members of the cohort who attended the same Leading and Managing Teams course could also be set up, where we could discuss our own personal progress and problems. These may prove to be extremely beneficial from a learning perspective for all concerned. I would also like to involve the Investment Projects Environment Manager and Environmental Specialists from the Programmes from the perspective of them being there to provide expert advice on technical questions. Two other support mechanisms which suit my learning style are testing and feedback. I am most comfortable with regularly testing my new skill sets as demonstrated with the Environmental training taking what I have learnt and applying it to actual situations in the workplace and obtaining feedback on what I did well and what I should look to improve on next time. This would provide me with the assurance that, not only do the techniques work, but also that I am progressing in the right direction. It would be an invaluable confidence builder both in my abilities and that the learning plan is delivering the desired results. Monitor and Evaluate Self-development One method to monitor and evaluate self-development I would monitor and review my learning using a learning log. This could be used to plan learning activities as milestones on the way to achieving the completed development activity and as a reference to check that milestones are being completed on time (through one-to-ones with the line manager). The log allows the user to focus in on the particular learning areas which are important to him, and to visualise the progress being made. For me, this would apply to areas such as assertiveness, communication skills and Environmental knowledge, for example. The log will allow others, such as team members and the line manager to understand what it is that an individual is trying to achieve and provide assistance and feedback where it is required. In addition, the learning log is a good tool for recording feedback, enabling the noting down of what went well and what could be improved with each learning activity as well as how the approach can be changed next time. Eventually, it should indicate for me, whether soft skills are still a learning area of me or whether I have shown, through practical demonstration, that I have mastered them. An example of a real learning log (extract) is attached as Appendix B to this assignment. For feedback to be effective, the Action Impact Do/Develop/Different model should be applied That is, the person giving the feedback should provide examples of what was done, its impact on the situation, and what should be done differently next time. This would allow the recipient to consider a different approach and modify his behaviour accordingly This is particular relevant to the skills I am trying to develop. Appendix A Personal SWOT Analysis Weaknesses I have a strong compulsive need to do things quickly especially when my to do list is long. Sometimes this has compromised my decision making ability. My need to keep the customer happy can sometimes lead to me acquiescing to his needs rather than defending my own position. I have a tendency to over-analyse what has happened in certain situations (even after I have prepared really well for them) when events have moved on and I can no longer do anything about them. I get a little nervous about presenting to members of the team and to customers. This can mean that these types of Presentation do not engage the audience as much as Id like. Strengths I have good analytical skills. I enjoy looking through data to determine conclusions and action planning to improve the current situation. I am very conscientious and deliver all work to the very best of my ability. I pride myself in organising my work so that it is always delivered on time. I go out of my way to satisfy or delight the customer. I am completely committed to the success of the team that I work for and creating a good impression of what we do to our customers/stakeholders. I have worked in Assurance/Quality related roles for over 20 years and have experience in most aspects of these functions. My job means a lot to me, I take it very seriously. Threats Potential future reorganisations meaning redundancy. Assurance becomes no longer a priority for the company. Perceptions and criticisms by customers and own team. 2012 move to Milton Keynes and the feasibility of commuting there on a daily basis. My current need for a lot of support from my line manager could be perceived that I no longer feel comfortable in taking decisions without someones help. Opportunities We are currently developing a customer feedback questionnaire which we will get our main stakeholders to complete. The output from this should help us to determine the areas we need to improve on going forward We have a lessons-learnt process and are always looking to improve the auditing process. That I take the knowledge Ive accumulated from the Leading and Managing Teams course and consistently look back on it and apply it to my day job. That I continue to work with my main customers to build a reputation with them so we are clear about what we expect from each other and that this leads to a positive working relationship which delivers results. Appendix B Learning Log (extract only) Date From Date to Activity What went well? What didnt go well? What you will do differently next time Nov. 09 Dec. 09 E-Learning Course Assertiveness The course was completed and all of the intermediate assessments passed There was no interaction element to the course how do you know it works in practice? This needs to be incorporated into 1-2-1 meetings to get feedback from line-management on how I am progressing/if this is still a development area for me. 23/11/09 23/11/09 Opening Meeting CrossRail audit All of the points on the agenda were covered Organisation was poor jumped from one topic to the next and then back again in a haphazard fashion Improve preparation plan out exactly which points to cover and at which times 12/01/10 12/01/10 Closing Meeting CrossRail audit Far more relaxed, bought the correct key people to the meeting deflected difficult questions to them at the right time Nothing to report do it the same next time. Carry this lesson forward for the 2010-11 National Core Audit Plan (NCAP). 15/02/2010 15/02/2010 One-day training session Environmental Management on Projects A good internal training session about how to apply the requirements of the Network Rail Environmental Management Handbook (Guide to Railway Projects Delivery Manual 04) on Projects Additional time to built into the course to go through some of the worked-examples in further detail. This knowledge needs to be applied in future as part of the 2010-11 NCAP audit of Environmental Management. Opportunity to be sought to take part in this section of the audit. Appendix C PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Preferred Learning Style/s Pragmatist/Theorist What do I want or need to develop? What actions / development will I do to achieve this? How will success be determined? Target dates for review and completion 1.My soft skills; e.g. Assertiveness, Listening, Coaching abilities E-Learning. Mentoring from my Line Manager. Experiences in my role. 1-2-1s; performance review meetings; improved confidence April 2010 (end of year review) 2. Understand Environmental Management on Network Rail Projects Network Rail course Environmental Management within Network Rail assisting National Core Audit Programme with Environmental auditing aspects. I will be able to carry out effective Environmental Audits of Network Rail Programme/Projects as determined both by Environmental Specialists on the Programmes and by the Investment Project Environment Manager. October 2010 and April 2011